
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Room 319 Happenings Aug.-Sept. 2016

How Do You Learn Multimedia?
Written by Natalie Adams

A question wondered by many, but an answer only few will discover. This year, the 138 learners enrolled in Media A will come to experience the joys (and hardships!) of CMSW’s multimedia program. From assembling clips to searching the web for sound effects, these kids are going to learn everything they need to know to prepare themselves for Media B.

Starting off, Media A has been studying the different types of shots and angles that are used every day in the multimedia world. Instead of completing a worksheet, Media A was faced with a different challenge: create a video demonstrating every single shot and angle that they had learned. Along with applying their newly learned script writing and story boarding skills, this assignment has been a great way to expose these kids to the inner workings of media and WESTV, two things they will become extremely accustomed with by the end of this year. See Emily's project below.

On the other hand, our hard-working, nine-person team known as Media B has been leading the charge by creating procedures videos for Media A to demonstrate the proper guidelines of our classroom, and setting the “stage” for a successful year and program design for WESTV. View their videos below:

Our biggest project this six weeks has been the overall layout of our show, and the approach we are going to take this year. We have been gifted with a handful of great actors, animators, camera people, and editors, which has been a huge help when it comes to creating our new intro.

Media B WESTV Leaders

In conclusion, although it has only been six weeks, our media kids are hitting the ground running, expanding their knowledge in multimedia and working towards improving and preparing for our upcoming shows. Armed with high-quality technology and software, along with an amazing teacher, we’re going to prove that West truly is the best.