Going the Extra Mile
Written by Kaitlin T.
It’s been a busy six weeks, as we’ve been learning new things and helping the whole school. Both Media A and B have been going the extra mile with their work.
In January, Media B was introduced to the Texas Public Schools Rock Contest. Students were challenged with creating a video to enter for the entire school. Using the prompt, “What makes your school special?,” We collaborated to come up with a creative idea. Thanvi, Kaitlin, Jessica, and Carly took the lead on this project.
For the month of January, Show 3 was successfully produced. The show had a big idea of “self-control”, as that was our character trait of the month. Some of our main highlights included, Post Christmas Depression, Flipped Fridays, Unorthodox Addictions, and the Texas Public Schools contest video. Watch the 3rd installment of WESTV here.
Media A started a new unit on Stop Motion animation. After two weeks spent understanding the animation process, all of the students experimented with creating their own. View some of their creations in the Padlet below.
Currently, Media B is tackling a challenging project as well. They started their big Challenge-Based Learning project for the year with the big idea of “Inform”. Our challenge is to inform all stakeholders of our school's CBL initiative. Watch this trailer to learn more.
It’s been a great six weeks in all, learning new things and polishing old skills. Stay tuned to what else these multimedia classes will accomplish and more about our Math department's "Impact" CBL project.