
Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Passion Project: A CBL Reflection Part 1

The Passion Project: A CBL Reflection Part 1
By Monica Champagne

“Definition of passion: a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something”-Merriam-Webster. Isn’t that how every teacher wants their learners to feel when they walk in the classroom?

The concept goes by many names, Passion Project, Independent Study, or Genius Hour and I’ve used them all. This year, I added a new title to our Passion project, Challenge-Based Learning. I must say, when this new initiative was proposed to our staff this year, it took me a while to wrap my brain around the idea. However, I love a good challenge and trying new things in my classes in hopes to inspire greatness in my learners.

Our Passion Project assignment has looked different from year to year and subject to subject, but never have I left it as open-ended and learner-led as it will be this year. I simply proposed the Big Idea of “Passion” to my learners and really have no preconceived expectations of where they will take it from there. Let me tell you, as an educator, that can be a scary place to be. Randy Pausch said it best,  “You obviously don't know where the bar should be, and you're only going to do a disservice by putting it anywhere”. With his motivation leading the charge, so begins our adventure. You can view the lesson here. This lesson is a collaboration of many CISD educators including Sunny Richardson, Blended Learning Specialist and Science Instructional Coach, Nicky Fryman, Teen Leadership, and iExplore educators, Katrina Messer, Kim Goodman, and Lisa Pehl.

At this point, we are only about half way through with this year-long exploration journey. Keep following to see how this lesson evolves and learner solutions to the challenge they created.

In what ways has Genius Hour encouraged creativity in your classroom? Leave a comment below.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Teacher Tech Tools in Under Two Minutes #2

Making Your Updates Stand Out in Schoology
Written by: Monica Champagne

Just as I have learned so much from my colleagues, I am often asked technology questions that I can answer in just a few minutes to make life easier for other educators.  This week's Teacher Tech Tools in Under Two Minutes shows you how to make your updates stand out by pinning them to the top of your learners windows.

Here is Teacher Tech Tools in Under Two Minutes Lesson #2-  Fun Schoology Announcement Features

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Teacher Tech Tools in Under Two Minutes #1

Creating Grading Groups in Schoology to Differentiate Learning
Written by Monica Champagne

I know it can sometimes be hard to find time to participate in PD, even as much as educators love learning. However, I have learned as much from collaborating with my colleagues over the years as I have from formal professional development sessions. The quote above really hit home for me and has inspired me to give back to others during this holiday season. This post is dedicated to my weekly teacher tech tips video series. Each of these videos will teach you something new to use with your classes in less than two minutes! My first series will highlight some of the lesser known Schoology gems.

Here is Teacher Tech Tools in Under Two Minutes Lesson #1- Creating Grading Groups in Schoology to Differentiate Learning.