Computer Science Education Week and #HourOfCode are right around the corner. This year we will be celebrating the week of December 3rd. If you would like your learners to join in this district-wide coding challenge, you will find all of the resources you need for a stress-free Hour of Code on this CISD Hour of Code website that our Digital Learning Coach team has worked to create.
Your learners can complete a self-directed Hour of Code with Learner Choice Menus. On the choice menus, learners may select any of the four topics. Each topic has a learn, do, and reflect portion to complete.
The reflection piece will be done district-wide through Flipgrid! Learners may dive deep into one topic, or explore all four.
Once your learners have participated in the Hour of Code, we encourage you to celebrate and award them their Hour of Code Certificate of Completion. A digital version of this certificate is available through the Flipgrid reflection topics. These could be easily added as a celebration to Bulb. We also want to encourage you to participate and reflect in the Hour of Code along with your learners!
Please use #HourOfCode #CISDCode2Learn & #CISDOurStory in your Tweets!
Want to extend your learning during Computer Science Education Week? Join our Twitter Chat, Critical Thinking for 21st Century Learners! See the invitation below for more details.
Let us know if you would like help designing or implementing Hour of Code activities.
So, we all set up our Bulb digital portfolios. Now what? How can this tool benefit the learners in your class? I challenge you to think about digital portfolios as more than just a place for learners to showcase their best work to a broader audience, but also as a place to document the history of the student’s learning journey by accompany those artifacts with reflection, self-assessment, and future goal setting.
Coppell Digital Learning Coaches, Alli, Brad, Kelly, and Kasey recently hosted a webinar that explored critical thinking through Bulb.
What I loved about the webinar was how the discussions focused on teaching learners to think critically about their own learning process. If you missed it, click on the host’s Bitmoji image above to access all of their curated resources.